Skin Health ZOS (Marine Series)
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Deep Blue Health Zinc Complex helps to stimulate the immune system and provide the nutrients required by the body to naturally improve connective tissue and reduce inflammation. Zinc helps fight infection and by doing so helps balance the immune response. Zinc Complex is a combination of New Zealand oyster powder; a natural source of zinc, zinc gluconate, and selenium.
Deep Blue Health oyster powder is a natural source of zinc, essential fatty acids, and amino acids, in particular taurine which supports nerve function and energy.
Recent research has shown that the amino acids and minerals in oyster powder can also assist with skin conditions such as acne and improve the rate of repair and cell regeneration. Deep Blue Health Zinc Complex is a high-potency skin health formulation.
- Stimulates the immune system
- Promotes skin health
- Reduces acne scarring
- Maintains overall health and energy levels
- Increase sperm production